onsdag 22. oktober 2014


Setting up my iDJ in my sleepin cabin!!!!!!

Don't really have that much to say, and if I have something 2 say it will be in form of a song or a poem most likely tbh.

Never rly understood why ppl love to hang out and gossip lol, it's really soooo boring and giving brokeahh vibes.

So much more fun to learn and become good at your hobbies honestly, yes I also make anime masks.

Diddle and Jane J'adore from Bratzillaz dolls (released 2 years ago, 2012) just got engaged and they had seggz all night. She can't get enough cuz his d*ck is drizzling, thick and short.

Domo is just hating and crushing on me from the corner as always lol.

I luv my hardy jacket, but i need to sell the leather one that I got. Comment if u want me to stop gatekeeping my depop/finn.no/tise finds. Finn.no is the online thrift for Norway, Tise for all of Scandinavia (i think) and Depop (worldwide).
#iBelieve #everything #exists #because #it #deserves #love #and #patience

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a modern poem:  This aint a drill im trill ib brib sw pewndius che-brwakkha Im the greates writha off theb´r bckha, - said the mischevious o...